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Losing Weight While Training

Written by Yusuf Boyd, M.S., ATC, LAT, CKTP ™, NASM CES/PES

Strict dieting is not recommended while endurance training as it can lead to fatigue and a decrease in energy. However, it is important to be at a healthy lean body weight for optimal performance. For elite athletes, the average male is 6-9% body fat and the average woman is 9-12% body fat. In order to lose one pound, 3,500 calories must be burned. Thus, for a weight loss of one pound per week that is 500 calories a day or 1,000 calories per day for 2 pounds of weight loss in one week. It is best to be aware of caloric intake without heavily restricting consumption. If you decrease your intake too much, you will become tired more easily. Weight loss will come if you are eating properly while working out. Also, as you begin to lose fat, you gain muscle. Muscle is leaner than fat but weighs more. As such, the number on the scale may not be moving as drastically as you would like, but you are becoming leaner as you build muscle while losing fat.


BIOMechaniks: Train the mind and the body will follow

Posted on March 20, 2012  |  Permalink